Admundfort & Samia

Needfest of Winter 591-592 - Admundfort & Samia

An audience is given at the court of Admundfort to Lord Harmsworth so he may explain the threat recently encountered at Castle Nelzer. While speaking to none other than the Earl of the Shield Lands, Nasher Alagondar, Helio is struck with visions and must excuse himself. Lord Grimlock Chares meets him in private soon after, aware of the visions. He explains Helio's lust somehow brought back a defunct Lady of the Land: the Lady Haedreline Rumbold, mistress to the now deceased Hierarch Vazirian, one of the 13 old rulers of the Horned Society.

From the visions, Helio also knows his own sister, the nun Slainie Harmsworth, of the Sisters of the Holy Sepulcher (a nunnery near Critwall), is somehow involved.

Slainie has gone to the village of Samia thinking her brother there. Samia was the village chosen to house the refugees of Orlane for the winter. She was on the isle of Walworth as part of a large church contingent sent for the anointment of the new spiritual leader of the lands, the Archbishop Faukys Rodelay.

Rushing to Samia the heroes find Lady Haedreline at the watch station, only fortified place in the village. Obviously deranged in undeath, poorly composing and answering only to rhymes, Haedreline, in command of a small army of the living dead, stages an execution for the nun Slainie. It is a sick twisted game: Helio must reach her in time before the executioner's axe falls.

Slainie is saved in the proverbial nick of time from the axe, but is badly wounded by an arrow. Bertram's great medical knowledge isn't able to save her. Selred steps in, calling on God almighty to spare one of his devoted nuns. Slainie is healed.

Selred takes the nun back to Admundfort while the rest of the heroes press towards the Samia mines where the villagers have taken refuge under the guidance of Orlane's Sister Misha of Saint Merikka.

Haedreline, whose poetry in the mines has now become clear and refined (and in Suel), is slain with an arrow from Alsten to the head. The archer finds on her a Skull Ring that has power over the undead. Gareth and Bertram are both possessed by the Ghost of the Cold-One who has been awoken, while Alsten resists his malefic influence. The Cold-One is finally vanquished in-extremis by Helio who decapitates the ghost with a conjured shadow pendulum-shaped scythe.

The villagers are found and freed: their gratitude falling on Sister Misha and the Heroes for their salvation.

Back in Admundfort, Lord Chares offers Lord Harmsworth an alliance, rewards and potential glories in the quest for the fate of his former ally, Lord Despar. But that would take Helio's allegiance clearly in the Critwall camp. Our heroes must now decide if they wish to be on the Earl's side of the Shield Land political sphere (Earl, Carsomyr, Kilsek, etc) or on the Critwall side (Despar, Chares, Noraneir, etc).

Lord Gavriel Carsomyr and his Serpent Blade

Earl Nasher Alagondar & Lord Grimlock Chares

Battle at Samia's Watch Station

Lady Haedreline Rumbold & her Handmainden Ghost

Mines of Samia Battle

Cold-One and Ghouls


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