Furyondy: Invasion

Wealsun (VI) 592 - La Redoute

The merchant caravan, with a hundred refugees in tow, makes its way to Castel Elenestra, south of Tusarne. There, a large contingent of  Knights of the Hart (1500 strong) are assembling to head north and stamp out the Goblinoid menace. At the castle the heroes meet a tipsy Bishop Bombakar: the chaplain and his fellow members of the knightly order are celebrating the battles to come. They impress upon him the importance of ransoming young Lord Cerbros Vesvakis, and to make sure the Dragon Horn Akilias is kept in the hands of the church for now. Their price for this information: Telinyar will be allowed access to the Horn.

The caravan proceeds to the Redoubt (La Redoute), key castle controlling the great North road between Caleport and the capital Chendl. They learn from the old commander of the castle, Lord Gaud Dardilly, that a few elves have been sighted at nearby Erstin Lake, one of which being the Wizardess Mialee.

Lord Gaud Dardilly, Commander of the Redoubt

That same night, at the height of the new moon, the Redoubt is attacked from above and below. In the pitch black darkness Giant Bats ridden by Drows  and Manticores swoop down on the castle's upper bailey. At the same time Drows having infiltrated from below secure the upper bailey's gatehouse. Defenders scramble in the dark chaos. Sister Slainie was going to mette (midnight) prayer at the castle's chapel when the assault began. She staggers the enemy by slaying a Manticore, a Giant Bat and a Drow Sorceress. This gives the rest of the heroes time to regroup.


Giant Bat

But the assault is relentless: the ground shakes and a hole appears in the earth, from which a mighty Arachnarok emerges, along with Goblin Spider riders. All seems lost and death certain. Sir Orian de Cervange -who had recently joined the heroes- remembers the upper bailey had access to a rampart leading down to a small watchtower overlooking the Drena river below. 

Map of the Redoubt

The Druid Telinyar calls down lightning from above, wounding the great Arachnarok. The Goblin leader controlling the beast, unwilling to lose such a monstrous asset, decides to prudently retreat and allow spider riders to deal with the threat. This gives our heroes just enough time to reach the rampart after Léssilié and Orian dispatch a few of the fiends.

The heroes proceed with a hectic retreat to the lower bailey and wharf where their caravan and refugees were sleeping. Orian uses his menacing Orcish presence and physical might to commandeer one of the 3 freight vessels in the wharf for their people and refugees. The ships depart in confused haste, leaving the caravan horses, wagons and goods behind.

The desperate plight of those fleeing the carnage is not over. The lead ship is engulfed in black magic and destroyed in darkness. Léssilié orders their ship to veer to shore while the second ship is engulfed in writhing black tentacles summoned from a dark mist rising from the waters. A powerful Dark Elven Wizardress, riding a Giant bat, has appeared above. With her, half a dozen Drow Giant Bat riders and a savage Manticore. Once again all seems lost.

But a beacon a light approaches from the South-East: a host of elven allies of the Celorrelin (Telinyar's father) has flown to the rescue. 3 Griffon riders -Mialee being one of them- and 2 Giant Eagles are ready to engage their ancestral enemy: the Drow.

Drow Wizardess and Bladewitch (with her hellfire greatsword)

A fierce night battle ensues on the shore of the Drena river and in the skies above. Mialee had also brought with her 2 human allies on horse: none other than the Bannerbearer of the Order of the Shield, Sir Gavriel Carsomyr of Pozan, Paladin of Pelor. With him the unorthodox warrior-alchemist Sir Conan de Penthièvre. The Drow Wizardess calls upon the dreaded gigantic Nightwalker who summons his Necro-Horde: soldiers that drowned in the 1st two ships.

Drena River Battle

In Pelor's holy name the wedge of Carsomyr slams into the Necro-Horde, slaying most of them. Helped by lightning called down by Telinyar, the paladin also slays the Nightwalker. The Drow Wizardess and the swordmistress Drow Bladewitch are wounded. The Drows decide to retreat rather than fight to the death. 3 of the 7 elite drows are slain: a Wizard, a Darkshard (crossbow) and a Dreadknight Lancer. All the Giant Bats are killed, and the Manticore is slain by Lady Ursini.

Carsomyr gives praise and the battle honors to Almighty Pelor.
Léssilié (pointing the ship's bow-mounted arbalest at Carsomyr):
"Who's this over-inflated windbag?"
Jocelan (refugee from the North): "He's our savior"
Léssilié: "I guess he is ..."

With miraculously few casualties (all Elven mounts and 1 Elf elite rider), the survivors prepare to head south toward Chendl when a Nightmare is seen, hooves stomping with hellish flames in the night sky. Its rider in none other than the fallen Knight of Cintagel, Sir Celerion Tyamir, former Elven hero now reborn Drow, Lolth's son to the great elven Prince Taliesen Gildaren.

Celerion Tyamir
Tyamir's steed Talaedryen

Tiamyr, having ties to Carsomyr's Pozan during his days as an Elven knight, does not seek battle. He warns Carsomyr to leave these lands as they are about to be ravaged by Lolth's and Iuz's wrath. He serves as General to Lolth's armies, along with his half-brother Torvald, son the the legendary Barbarian King Laskrd of the Wolf Clan.


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