Furyondy: Battle of Krenbourg

Wealsun (VI) 592 - Village of Krenbourg

Lady Ursini rejoins Sister Slainie, Sir Léssilié, Lord Telinyar and Sir Cervange at Krenbourg where the King's army have gathered to stop and repulse the invading horde of Iuz. She was successful in her mission, the Drow Egg-Stone now cleansed of the  Mark of the Dark Spawn. It now feels there is life within.

The eager and confident army of Furyondy in Chendl

With the entire Order of the Hart present, the massive 100 000 strong army is brimming with confidence. Not since the fabled battle of Emridy Meadows 25 years ago has such a host been assembled. The heroes rejoin young Lord Vesvakis on the extreme western flank.

Facing them, Iuz's army is divided into three hosts with Orcs in the center, Goblinoids to the West and Barbarians to the East. Six massive black pillars are hoisted up during the night, the last night of the full moon. At dawn, Iuz begins a dread incantation whose ritual power draws from the 6 pillars. Massive black tendrils spiral up into the sky and blot out the sun, sending darkness and dread for miles around. Powerful magic of the combined force of the 4 Archmages of Furyondy counter the spell somewhat, but Iuz's power cannot be denied: gloom still lingers, turning the day into a somber murky affair.

The battle opens when the Luminark of Hysh, a powerful weapon of the Celestial Order, is brought forward and begins firing, decimating swathes of enemies, including Ettins, Trolls and an Arachnarok. The enemy endures the loses and begins a slow but steady advance forward.

Luminark of Hysh

Hidden by the gloom, Chaos Dwarves concealed behind the ranks bring up four horrifying Hellcanons who begin firing at the Luminark and Furyondy's in range artillery.
At that moment three evil Dragons appear from the darkened sun above: Balagor the Red, Eshaedrax the Blue and Welzour the Black.
The frail old wicked one himself, Iuz, is riding the black monster. Powerful Demons also join the fray, all converging on the center where the King Belvor IV is located.

Chaos Dwarf Hellcanon

Telinyar blows the Dragon Horn Akilias. The sound catches the attention of Balagor and Eshaedrax who break off towards the horn on the West flank. They fight the heroes around the Trebuchets and Ballistas. Eshaedrax is badly wounded by Slainie. Balagor is critically injured by multiple bolts of lightning called down by Telinyar and Léssilié pulls off a prefect shot with a crossbow bolt to the brain, finishing off the beast. Périn, the child saved at Sarrebourg by Telinyar ends up being the chosen one to blow the fabled Horn. It was not young Cerbros Vesvakis. The Horn summons Galadaeros the Gold Dragon who drives off Eshaedrax and starts devastating Trolls and Goblins by the droves.

Balagor the Red and Eshaedrax the Blue

The heroes then join the efforts on the West flank, galvanizing those around by their incredible success. Slainie, infused with Holy Radiance, inspires all around in pious fervor. Ursini dispatches a Troll with a Celestial Thunderdolt. Cervange slays an Ogre and Léssilié decapitates a Troll. Telinyar conjures a fire storm that kills the crew of the last Arachnarok, driving the monster berserk, rampaging through it's own ranks. The soldiers fight bravely: the Goblinoids rout.

Seeing the fabled Oriflamme fall, with the rest of their army slowly pushed back and ravaged, they decide to rally knights and infantry to charge the Hellcanons. Léssilié also orders the Trebuchets forward. The three orders of power (arcane, holy and ancient/druidic), Ursini, Slainie and Telinyar call upon Galadaeros using holy and mystic light. The Gold Dragon responds by breathing unto them. The soldiers watch in awe as the fire of the dragon vortex into the egg. It glows with fiery incandescence then hatches: a fiery Phoenix Bird emerges. The Chaos Dwarves give a fierce resistance but the combined force is able to punch through their tight ranks, the Phoenix destroying one Hellcanon and Galadaeros another. The final two are disabled, the last one by a trebuchet that was brought forward.

The destroyed Hellcanons explode with chaotic warping energy. Sister Slainie invokes the Eye of Glirek to save all those around her. Further off, Ursini uses her magic to save both Léssilié and, in extremis, Cervange.

Galadaeros the Gold and Welzour the Black

They are then forced to retreat as Welzour and Iuz himself hasten back to salvage their evil Dwarven allies. Dragon hatred takes precedence: Galadaeros launches himself at Welzour. Welzour, older, wins the contest, killing his Gold counterpart.

Last days of Wealsun (VI) 592 - Chendl

The heroes hear the devastating news: King Belvor IV has fallen at the battle.
They offer to Bishop Bombakar their services in the difficult times sure to come.
The Bishop explains he sees three ways where help is needed:
1/ Protect the arrival of the Princess of Veluna and the countries' ambassadors scheduled on Shieldmeet, to secure the succession of Crown Prince Thrommel.
2/ Scout into now enemy controlled areas to see what Iuz is planning next.
3/ Protect the exposed countryside from the ravaging enemy hordes that are sweeping south-west of the city.

The heroes are inclined towards the third option but are delayed in Chendl.

First, they realize the succession of Crown Prince Thrommel to the throne might be challenged. The challenge would come from the powerful Duc de Gorsand and his ally the Count De Cressieu, two of the richest lands in the Kingdom. De Gorsand is the father of the late Queen Veldelle de Dervent (King Belvor IV's second marriage) and grandfather to Princess Mylène Dervent De Cressieu, who has two healthy male heirs of young age, Prince Avras (born 586) and Prince Renald (born 588).
Interesting side-note: the infantry on the west flank that the heroes greatly aided to victory in Krenbourg were from Duc Gorsand's duchy of La Marche d'Or. They were led by the competent captain Sir Edmon Dervent (distant nephew to the Duc).

Sir Edmon Dervent de la Marche d'Or

NB: the lord that took command of the knightly contingent on the west flank was Sir Dagan Caradec of the Hart, from the Vesve chapter.

Sir Dagan Caradec of the Hart (Vesve chapter)

Second, Sister Slainie decides to help the wounded of the war. She creates an hospice that soon becomes known as the Order of the Hospitaliers (or Hospitallers) of Blessed Elma. De Cervange, Telinyar and Ursini each financially contribute to this new-found order.

Third, Lady Ursini retrieves the Symbol of Pelor from the Academia Arcanis which has returned to its normal size after the events at the Shrine of Elma. At the Academia, she learns that since the council of Mages (made of 4: the Archmage Karzalin and the 3 High Mages of the land) has been decimated at the battle, the magical wards to the Tower of Sorcery lock therein the precious magical secrets of the land. There is also a power vacuum, the top contender being Karzalin's first pupil Mazrin. By hierarchy, leadership of the Academia falls into the purview of the Grand Librarian, the venerable Jaquemin L'aveugle. But true leadership lies for now in his long time mistress Pascaline De Barnier.
NB: as a side note, the church is also in a crisis of succession after the death of Archbishop Chesmon at Krenbourg.

Pascaline De Barnier (w/cat familiar Arcadia)

Richfest 592 - King's Road & Chendl

After hiring the scout Aliaume, new member of the Hospitaliers, the heroes (minus Léssilié who is out making contacts in the countryside) set out along the King's Road west. Using careful scouting and cunning, they surprise a group of Orcs controlling a key bridge along the road. They slay an Ettin and 8 orcs, and are surprised to see the rest retreat under the leadership of a mysterious white-haired Half-Orc.


Soon realizing a main force of Orcs lied ahead West, they return to Chendl to gather allies.
With military leadership also divided they must decide who to approach (factions being the Crown Prince, the Connétable, Knights of the Hart and Duc Gorsand's relatively intact soldiery). They decide on Duc Gorsand, who is in Chendl represented by his right hand the scribe Sir Télémmand Senigon du RoussetTélémmand offers the Duc's patronage in return of the hero's alliance. Only Telinyar accepts. Télémmand orders Sir Edmon and his 9000 infantry force to march out and dislodge the Orcs.

Shielmeet 592 - Lake Surlyn

After a few days of maneuvering in the countryside (Léssilié having rejoined the heroes), the two armies finally meet along the shore of Lake Surlyn south-west of Chendl. The white-haired Half-Orc, Ujjairek, parleys with Cervange at pre-dawn in no man's land. Ujjairek tries to stir the orcish side of the Knight, but Cervange lets his faith and civilized human half prevail.

Ujjairek returns to his ranks. The orc banner is raised. The deafening Waaagh is bellowed from thousands of orcish maws. Though outnumbered almost 2 to 1, the confident orcs charge.



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