Furyondy: Horde approaches

Wealsun (VI) 592 - Village of Frestin Lady Ursini departs with the Drow Egg-Stone in search of a Drow 'ally', following on Uthan 's and Aeltrax 's leads. The rest of the heroes follow Telinyar 's prophetic visions, the latest involving the village of Frestin where young Lord Cerbros Vesvakis , his mother Lady Rhyanon and the rest of the northern refugees have been relocated. They encounter the local Lord, Baron Eluard Evrys de Ferestin , and learn all fighting men of the realm have been called to war by the King. The Oriflamme of Furyondy, holy battle standards of the Kingdom, has been unfurled from the sacred vaults of Saint Roneus 's Cathedral in Chendl : the highest of Saints of the land, High Roneus the Valorous, is calling all noblemen to war. Evrys departs with his men, explaining the King has vowed the enemy horde would be met once they have crossed the mighty Crystal River. Young Lord Cerbros wishes to join the war, claiming though underage ...