Chaos Dwarves at Castle Nelzer
Fall 591 - Barony of Nelzer Refugees, outcasts and criminals from the Shield Lands , mostly Orlane , are sent to repopulate the devastated North. Lord Harmsworth agrees to resettle a village in the Kilsek lands after meeting the young Baron Gavin Kilsek , Sir Gavriel Carsomyr of Pozan , Bannerbearer of the Shield, and his wife the Lady Bryony Kilsek . Passing by the abandoned Barony of Nelzer , scouting indicates activity at the Castle commanding the road north. Investigation interrupts a meeting between a Mutated Chaos Champion and his small Goblinoid force with a group of Chaos Dwarves . They uncover a deal involving a strange hellish weapon: a canon powered by a furnace fueled by the tormented souls of wailing victims. Using Bertram 's ingenuity, the canon is destroyed but unleashes, according to Elicia, dangerous dark magics in the process. With so much dangers ahead and many badly injured, the settler's caravan turns back to the safety of the south. Inte...