Furyondy: Rathskellor & the Eye of Glirek

Wealsun (VI) 592 - Rathskellor Tower & the Eye of Glirek Returning to Chendl , Sister Slainie uses her church ties to care for the northern refugees, with financial aid from Sir De Cervange . They seek audience to report what they learned and are greeted rather inhospitably by none other than the Connétable of Furyondy (overall military leader), First Officer of the Crown, His Grace Maxellen Valenay de Chezal , Count of Vorlende and Nephew to the King. They nonetheless learn there not only La Redoute but also the northern capital of Caleport has been invaded and taken by the Drow and their Forest Goblin allies. Count Maxellen Valenay Soon after, the heroes get embroiled with the King's justice when Drow items are not returned to the Crown, as per royal decree. An officer-bailiff of the court, Jeffroy Le Béron , deals with the matter and stiff fines are levied. Jeffroy Le Béron Lady Ursini goes to the Celestial school of Magic, the Academia...