Grasen, Dragon and Lycan Brotherhood

Readying (II) 592 - Barony of Noraneir Having decided to ally themselves with the Critwall faction, Lord Helio Harmsworth swears allegiance to the young Baron Kilion Noraneir who in return makes him the Lord of Grasen . Helio decides to take advantage of winter-time to perform reconnaissance in his new Lordship, unburdened by the peasantry. Iniarv's Tower Grasen is reached by early Readying (2nd month). The heroes invest Iniarv 's Tower, a small keep north-east of the village named after an age-old mage from the lost kingdom of Uth Myrmoran . Signs at the tower show some terrible beast attacked recent trespassers: an adult Black Dragon who returns but spares the heroes. He needs two of them, Elicia and the wielder of Nerull's Ring ( Alsten 's skull ring found on Lady Haedreline in Samia ) to serve him by seeking the Uthtower in the great swamps and find within the mausoleum of the ancient dragon Ebondeath . There they can keep all the treasure found wit...